Wednesday, October 31, 2007

St. Peter of Damascus (750 AD) On What Is Bad...

•Not food—but gluttony..
•Not money—but attachment to it…
•Not speech—but idle talk…
•Not the world’s delights—but dissipation…
•Not love of family—but neglect of God which such love produces
•Not clothes worn for cold and heat—but those excessive & costly
•Not houses that shield from cold, heat, people or animals—but those large and expensive
•Not owning something—but owning it when it has no vital use
•Not possession of books—but books that are not spiritual
•Not friendship—but having friends that do not benefit the soul
•Not relationships—but unchastity
•Not wealth—but avarice
•Not wine—but drunkenness
•Not anger used naturally for chastisement of sin—but it’s use against a fellow person

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