Thursday, November 22, 2007

St. Hesichios the Priest; 8th/9th Century (On Watchfulness and Holiness)

Through his incarnation God gave us the model for a holy life and recalled us from our ancient fall. In addition to many other things, he taught us, feeble as we are, that we should fight against the demons with humility, fasting, prayer and watchfulness. For when, after his baptism, He went into the desert and the devil came up to Him as though He was merely a man, He began His spiritual warfare by fasting and won the battel by this means - though, being God, and God of gods, He had no need of any such means at all.

I will now tell you in plain, straightforward language what I consider to be the types of watchfulness which gradually cleanse the intellect from impassioned thoughts. In these times of spiritual warfare I have no wish to conceal beneath words whatever in this treatise may be of use, especially to more simple people. As St. Paul puts it" 'pay attention, my child, Timothy, to what you read' (1 Tim 4:13).

One type of watchfulness consists in closely scrutinizing every mental image or provocation; for only by means of a mental image can Satan fabricate an evil thought and insinuate this into the intellect in order to lead it astray.

A second type of watchfulness consists in freeing the heart from all thoughts, keeping it profoundly silent and still, and praying.

A third type consists in continually and humbly calling upon the Lord Jesus Christ for help.

A fourth type of watchfulness is always to have the thought of death in one's mind.

These types of watchfulness, my child, act like doorkeepers and bar entry to evil thoughts. Elsewhere, if God gives me words, I shall deal more fully with a further type which, along with the others, is also effective: this is to fix one's gaze on heaven and to pay no attention to anything material.

When we have t osome extent cut off the causes of the passions, we should devote our time to spiritual contemplation; for if we fail to do this we shall easily revert to the fleshly passions, and so achieve nothing but complete darkening of our intellect and its reversion to material things.

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